
Mekete Tigray UK is appealing to all diaspora Tegaru, international community and friends of Tigray worldwide to donate one of payment or monthly installments to Emergency Relief Fund to Tigray (ERFT) to alleviate the current unjustified war on Tigray that has been conducted by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed,  the President of Eritrea, Isaias Afewerki and Amhara Regioal Govrnment.

Mekete Tigray UK is grateful for your support. Your donation will make a profound difference of lifesaving to the people of Tigray affected by the man-made hunger and famine to ease from current catastrophic humanitarian crises unfolding in Tigray, Ethiopia. 
To donate, please use one of the following Payment Methods:

1. Mekete Tigray UK bank account
To donate via bank transfer, please use the following Mekete Tigray UK bank account details:
Name of Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account Name: Mekete Tigray UK
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account Number: 32654463
Reference Name: ERFT (Emergency Relief Fund to Tigray)
2. Via Gofundme
To donate via Gofundme online:
2.Click Donate
3. Select: UK Stands with Tigray 
4. Select donation type: One-time or Monthly 
5. Select donation amount: $25, $50, $100, $500 or Type the amount (e.g. $1400 = £1000) you wish to donate on the text box
6. Thank you for including a tip of: select Custom and type 0%
7. Type your name if you wish to show your name on the donation list
8. Type comment, in memory, tribute
9. Tick mark the box if you want to
10. Click Continue to complete your donation
11. Type your name, email, address, payment details and then click Donate
Note: Please remember to change current exchange rate, which is an average of £1=$1.4
Example: If you plan to contribute £1000, the equivalent average amount in US dollar would be $1400.
3. Cash
Please remeber to collect your reciept from Mekete Tigray UK cash Collector
You can also contact Mekete Tigray UK via tthe contact us form above or Email: for further information. 

Thank you for your generous support that can save many vulnerable lives in Tigray.